Sports Performance

Owen Formosa

Professional Qualifications:


  • BHSc (Acupuncture 2014)
  • Dip.REM
  • Cert IV Remedial Massage


Owen Formosa provides Gentle Japanese Acupuncture services at Australian Centre for Natural Medicine since graduating in 2014.

Owen Formosa started his career working with shi­at­su and re­medi­al ther­apies and now has over 9 years clin­ic­al ex­per­i­ence, which lead to his pas­sion for the ori­ent­al med­ic­al philo­sophies and prac­tice of Traditional Acupuncture.

Owen spent his child­hood through to his adult life play­ing com­pet­it­ive sport and con­tin­ues to en­joy his pas­sion play­ing soc­cer com­pet­it­ively. He has a strong found­a­tion­al un­der­stand­ing of mus­cu­lar skeletal ther­apy from an in­tern­al, men­tal and phys­ic­al per­spect­ive.

Currently treat­ing Athletes in­volved in:

Gold Coast premi­er League foot­ball clubs, NRL, Youth Iron Women, Surf Club train­ers and many more.

Owen gradu­ated with a Bachelor of Health Science and Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture, through Endeavour College of Natural Medicine, oth­er aca­dem­ic achieve­ments in­clude Cert IV Massage, Diploma of Remedial ther­apies and Shiatsu Meridian ther­apy, where he achieved the Principals Award for con­sist­ent clin­ic­al out­comes. 

Owen is very proud to be a father and ad­ores his son. He also en­joys fant­ast­ic sup­port from Madelene his part­ner and mother of their son, who is a prac­tising yo­gini.


Contact Owen

call 0755 755 300
or click here to send an enquiry

Acupuncture Gold Coast

Alan Jansson, Acupuncturist
Australian Centre for Natural Medicine
101 Wharf Street
Tweed Heads, New South Wales 2485

Phone: 07-5575-5300



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